Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It was a baby or a puppy! lol

So I have my heart set on a puppy.... but not just ANY puppy.... a "tea cup chihuahua" and I have done my research! I even picked out health plans and shopped around to find out that I need heating pads and a tiny bell for him/her.... I am watching all my friends have babies.. and I know it's not the right time or situation for me to go down that road.... But I can take my puppy with me wherever I go. I can get carrying purses and he/she will only weight 2 or 3 lbs when fully grown. With all that I do.... having this puppy has become a focus for me and I can't seem to shake the feeling that I REALLY want this. I have thought for a long time and I am meeting a few puppies tomorrow.... I hope to find a puppy that matches what I am looking for in the next couple weeks.
I am so excited! I know all the health precautions, have gotten numbers for emergencies and the stores for clothes,.... I have read articles on this breed and what ppl have had to say about it. I am so in love with this puppy... goodness! But then... Looking at this face... how could anyone NOT?