Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lead in my first movie!!

I'm so excited! I can't believe that I was recently cast for my first movie... and I got the 2nd lead! Thats crazy! Common, Sean Paul, and spragga benz Are just a few on the roster and I am so honored to be with them! The official shoot day starts for me on May 23rd... And in a week we start rehaersals! I feel so blessed for everything coming my way. I hope this is my break and I am able to find larger roles. I had no idea this was such a passion of mine but it just comes out so naturally... I guess because I am such an emotional person already..... Who knows.... All I do know is that I want to be the next halley berry or angelina jolie! I don't care how I have to do it... but I want my face out there and I want this as a career opportunity! .... SIGH..... I am praying on this and for direction. I think I can really nail this role!


FeFe Chanel said...


Unknown said...

Wow..... I AM SOOOO HAPPY U GOT IT! U Have to keep me updated! Awwwwww Congrats! U are totally taking the World by storm! Love you ALwAyss! Im gonna kick my damn self! I Will start this faithfully for real this time and write dailyyy!!!